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Enhance your experience on

Microsoft Teams

Easily build apps and digital assistants that automate processes, improve content delivery, boost productivity, save staff time and drive company culture.

Integrate with third party services and personalise the experience for your staff on Microsoft Teams like never before.
What you get with The Bot Platform
All the tools you need

Official Microsoft Teams Co-Sell Partner

Create tools that empower office and first-line workers

Deliver personalized communication at scale

We’re a trusted and recommended Microsoft partner used by companies around the world

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Enter your details and we’ll get you set up in no time!

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Trusted by global organisations in the technology, retail, hospitality, finance, pharmaceutical, entertainment and manufacturing industries

Build an unlimited number of bots

Create your own custom solutions,
without complex coding or tech knowledge

Employee recognition

Highlight your company values and encourage staff to participate.

Crowdsource ideas
Gather knowledge, feedback, and insights from your workforce.
Automate FAQs
Instantly provide answers to questions from your staff and workforce 24/7.
Onboard new starters
Efficiently communicate with new staff members, and create intuitive onboarding programs.
Conduct surveys
Send surveys to your staff and workforce to find out how they feel about certain topics or issues.
Broadcast announcements
Ensure important company news and announcements are seen and acted upon.

Want to improve your staff’s usage and understanding Microsoft Teams?
Check out our free app on the Microsoft AppStore

Whatever you need to build
build it
with The Bot Platform

Ready to transform your Microsoft Teams instance and enhance your employee experience?