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Security and compliance

Ensure staff are aware of important security updates, announcements and alert IT teams to incidents.

Prepare staff for the digital world

To help make businesses more prepared, we’ve created a Compliance bot so you can tackle risk management with the proper tools. Using bots on Microsoft Teams, Slack and Workplace from Meta it’s easy to ensure that everyone in the company has immediate access to security and compliance information and materials whenever they need it.

Key screens and features

See a Security and compliance bot in action

Main Benefits

How can a Security Assistant help you?

Train new starters
Share best practices
Conduct compliance checks
Send important alerts
Accessible to all
Reducing reaction times
Honest Burgers, United Kingdom

See how Honest Burgers generate a 100% completion rate on their compliance training

What will you build?

Build your own security assistant with The Bot Platform

Easily create your own compliance or security assistants and integrate them with Microsoft Teams, Slack, Workplace from Meta or any digital communication platform of your choice.

Want to see just how quickly you could get up and running with our platform? Click below to book in a demo and we’ll give you a free trial license to build an onboarding assistant of your own.

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